Swimming Permission Form

We are very proud to offer our annual swimming program as part of the physical education program at Hillcrest Elementary.

Students in Grade K, 1, 2, and 3 classes will be participating in four 45min swim lessons on May 31, June 7,14 and 21.

Students in Grade 4 and 5 classes will be participating in two 60min recreational swims on June 15 and 22.

Please click on the link below to complete the online permission form for each of your children to participate. Deadline to complete the online form is Friday May 25, 2018. If you need a paper copy of the form to complete contact the office.

LINK to FORM: https://permission.click/0axG

SMS Grade 5 Parent Info Night

Message from Shuswap Middle School to Grade 5 Parents
We are looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow night.  The evening looks like this:
5:00-6:10 T-shirt and short sales in the cafeteria area outside the gym.  We have a scavenger hunt for you to participate in to discover all the wonderful things about SMS!  Cash only, and exact change is appreciated.  T-shirts are $10 and are mandatory for PE.  Shorts are $15 and optional.
6:15 Brief presentation in the gym by Paul Rosman, Vice-Principal and Wendy Woodhurst, Principal
We are excited for next year already!
Wendy Woodhurst
Shuswap Middle School