School Fees

Fees should be completed and returned to your classroom teacher with payment in the first week or two of school. E-transferring payments to our school by email is the most preferred method of payment (


As per school district policy and with PAC approval, Hillcrest Elementary School will be collecting four separate school fees this year.

1. School Purchased Supply Fee ($35)

This is mandatory fee for each student.  The school purchases student supplies in bulk so parents do not have to purchase them.

2. Agenda Book Fee ($7)

This is mandatory fee for each student whose teacher utilizes an Agenda Book as part of their regular classroom routines.

3. Student Activity Fee ($20)

This is an optional fee that allows Hillcrest to provide special programs and activities for our students.  The student activity fee will be used to support school activities (ie. Swimming, Skating, Gymnastics, Art Fair, etc.) and help offset the costs of class field trips.

4. Cultural Performance Fee ($10)

This is an optional fee that allows Hillcrest to provide cultural performances for our students (ie. theatre and musical performances, guest speakers, etc.).

Optional vs. Mandatory Fees

Provincial legislation requires schools make the Student Activity Fee and the Cultural Performance Fee optional, however, our ability to offer these types of programs/activities depends on the money generated by the fees collected.  Both our PAC and staff feel the programs supported by these fees are extremely important for our students.

Financial Hardship

We believe that no child shall be denied access to a school sponsored program for financial reasons.  If circumstances do not permit payment at this point, please contact Ms. Garries at 250-832-7195.

Payment can be made…

by Credit Card through Parent Connect (
by eTransfer to Please include your child’s name in the description.
by Cash or Cheque payable to HILLCREST SCHOOL.

Please fill out the form above and include it, with payment, in an envelope with your child’s/children’s name(s) on it.  Envelopes can be given to your child’s teacher or the office.