Our educational system values parents and has been designed to include them.  The Hillcrest Parent Advisory is a body composed of parents of the students of Hillcrest Elementary School.


Join us on Facebook by using the links below. Please note that there are several other Hillcrest Elementary Facebook groups out there. Some of them may not have any affiliation or connection with our school. Please be sure to join the groups below as they will provide the most up to date and accurate information. 

Hillcrest Elementary Parents – Salmon Arm” – This Facebook group is a great way to connect with other parents in the Hillcrest Community. Moderated by PAC.

Hillcrest Elementary PAC” – This Facebook group allows you to keep up to date and get involved in PAC activities. Moderated by PAC.

Hillcrest Elementary” – This is Hillcrest’s official Facebook page and allows you to keep up to date on school events. Posts made on the school website appear on this page. Moderated by the School. 


President:  Kayla Vannieuwenhuizen     

Vice-President: Emily Slous

Secretary:  Fiona Fleming

Treasurer: Caitlin Newton

Breakfast Club Coordinator: Kirsten Randhawa

Hot Lunch Coordinator: Kristy Cruikshank



May 27 @ 7:30 pm


Some of the aims of the Parent Advisory group include:

  1. Provide input and support into the school’s annual growth plan, to help make decisions and policies for the school.
  2. Present speakers in various areas of interest to the parents to familiarize them with their children’s educational programs.
  3. Provide support for the students and parents and a liaison between home and school.
  4. Provide a forum for raising questions and concerns.
  5. Fundraise to compliment and enhance the funds provided by the School Board to enrich the children’s education.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the Parent Advisory  meetings.  A note and agenda are sent home as a reminder of the day and time prior to the meeting. Babysitting is available.