Allison’s Art Auction

IMG_4869 A huge thank you to grade 4 student, Allison McNally, for the Art Auction Fundraiser she organized at the Westgate Public Market on June 7.  Allison presented Mr. Ritchie with a cheque for $501.50 today!  The funds Allison so generously donated will be spent on Art Supplies for the Art Program at Hillcrest Elementary. 

Week at a Glance – June 24, 2019

It’s here! The last Week at a Glance for the 2018/19 school year. We look forward to seeing many of you on Thursday June 27 at 10:05am as you are picking up your child early and saying your goodbyes for the summer.

If any of your contact information is changing over the summer please be sure to let the office know before Friday June 28 as we will be sending out a Welcome Back Newsletter by email at the end of the summer.


Hillcrest PAC Newsletter

Attached is the PAC Newsletter that was sent home today.

LINK: PAC-News-2019-v01

All of the staff and students at Hillcrest would like to extend our deepest gratitude for the amazing work our parent volunteers do on a daily basis! Hillcrest is a very special place thanks to the dedication and commitment of our wonderful  parents and community members.

Battle of the Bands


Thank you to Mr. Roberts and our grade 4 and 5 classes for a radical afternoon of 80’s themed music during Battle of the Bands on Thursday! It was awesome to see so many students involved and having the courage to step out of their comfort zone in front of their peers. It was great to see so many students dressed up in their best 80’s outfits as well!

Solar Car Construction


Over the past couple of days the students in Mrs. Menzies class and Mrs. Gecse’s class got to build and race solar cars! A huge thank you to Mr. Caves (retired teacher), who not only spearheaded the project, but also planned and taught the lesson.  We would also like to thank Mr. Findlay (District Principal of Careers) and the SD83 Careers department for funding the purchase of the solar car kits.  All of the students involved had an absolute blast both constructing the cars and harnessing the power of the sun to race them.

District Track and Field Meet


Congratulations to all of our grade 4 & 5 students who participated in the District Track and Field Meet at Little Mountain Park on Tuesday June 4. Thank you to all of our grade 4&5 teacher coaches and especially to Mrs. Menzies for coordinating our team of 38 students to attend the meet.

Lost and Found

Our overflowing Lost and Found box has been emptied and is now lining the hall. It is our hope that these items can be returned to their original owner before the end of the school year. Please take a minute to watch the video above to see if you recognize anything. Any unclaimed items will be taken to the thrift store on the last day of school.