It’s almost time for school

SD83 staff are eager to welcome our students and their families back for the 2021-22 school year. While much has changed in our province over the past year, SD83 remains committed to ensuring the safety of our students, staff and school communities by providing safe learning and working environments.

“I am personally very excited to join SD83 as Superintendent. I know that as we enter into a new year of learning, our district remains committed to our mission of engaging all students in meaningful and relevant learning experiences that develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes, creativity and the pursuit of personal success,” comments Superintendent of Schools Donna Kriger.

“Though COVID-19 is still posing challenges for all of us, we remain focussed on the possibilities and opportunities that the 2021-22 school year holds. As we have done throughout the pandemic, our schools will continue to adhere to the Provincial Health Officer’s (PHO) guidance. Our plan will be updated and changed based on regional requirements from Interior Health, the Provincial Health Officer and the Ministry of Education.”

Registration for those brand new to SD83 takes place today (please also ensure you register your child for the school bus if you live in a bus route area at 250-832-9415). The first day of school is Tuesday, September 7. School will be dismissed three hours earlier than usual on this first day.

Here is a brief summary of our return to school plan. The complete plan will be posted on the SD83 website later this week.

Parents/guardians play an essential role in supporting our schools by keeping their children home when sick. Before leaving home, staff, students and visitors should monitor for any symptoms daily using the B.C. Health Check (the health check and app for your smart phone can be found here).