Purdys Chocolate Fundraiser

Don’t miss out on your Purdys Chocolate Order this year! Orders will be accepted until Friday October 30th in the office or online.

Order Online by going to: www.purdysgpp.com

1. Login or Create a New Account.

2. Join Customer #16260

3. Select the Shop Online tab in the menu.


4. Please use the “Online Order Form” not the Marketplace method to place your order. The Online Order Form is the only place you can enter your student’s name & teacher/division so we know which classroom your order will belong to!

REMINDER – We need to know:
• First & Last Name of person placing the order
• Your Phone Number
• Additional Info: Student name/teacher/division

5. Pay for your orders by credit card.

6. Invite other people (via email) to support Hillcrest.

All orders will be delivered to Hillcrest and orders will be arrive the week of November 30th. Pick up times and location TBA.

Traditional order forms w/payment (payable to Hillcrest PAC) will be accepted. Please fill out your child’s name, phone number and class.

Contact Anitra Worton if you have any questions- wortonfamily@gmail.com

Apple Order Pick-Up

Dear Hillcrest Families, 

Apples will be arriving tomorrow! If you ordered apples as part of our Apple Fundraiser through Davidson Orchards they will be available for pick-up on…

  • Wednesday October 21st from 4:30pm to 5:00pm
  • Thursday October 22nd from 8:00am to 8:30am and 5:00pm to 5:30pm
  • Friday October 23rd from 8:00am to 8:30am.

Please pick up your order directly from the Multi-Purpose Room door at the north end of the parking lot. We do not have cold storage for the apples so please arrange to have them picked up ASAP. 

Thank you for your cooperation and support. 

– Your Hillcrest PAC

Week at a Glance – Oct 19, 2020

Photos: Div 10 Superman Pose (Fine Motor Boot Camp)
& Div 1 Applied Design Skills (Catapult Challenge)

Below is our Week at a Glance for the week of Oct 19, 2020. Hot Lunches, Interim Reports, Halloween, Provincial Pro-D Day and our upcoming PAC meeting are some of the items featured this week. Thank you to Kristy Cruikshank for organizing our hot lunch program again this year! Be sure to get your orders in by Sunday Oct 25.

LINK: Week at a Glance – Oct 19, 2020

Halloween at Hillcrest

As Halloween falls on a Saturday this year, students can choose to wear a Halloween Costume to school on Friday October 30. If you choose to wear a Halloween Costume please ensure you…

  1. Keep fake weapons at home
  2. Keep blood and gore to a minimum – not too scary please
  3. Only wear a mask in your classroom when permitted by your teacher
  4. Choose a costume that is respectful of all individuals and cultures
  5. Choose a costume that will not interfere with your learning

Students who do not want to wear a costume can show their school spirit by dressing in black and/or orange on this day!

As for Halloween Candy, we respectfully request that Halloween candy be consumed at home and not school. 

Unfortunately, there will be no Monster March this year due to COVID restrictions. In it’s place, Mrs. Menzies and her grade 5 leadership students will be hosting a Pumpkin Decorating (not carving) Contest on Thursday Oct 29 and a Costume Contest on Friday Oct 20. We will be sure to take lots of pictures!

New Terry Fox Run Record

Congratulations Hillcrest! Our Terry Fox Run Donations of $930.75 this year set a new school record! Thank you to all of our students for their fundraising efforts and for their participation in the run. Thank you also to Mrs. Kehl for coordinating the Terry Fox Run activities for us this year.

Updated – Daily Health Check

SD83 has recently adopted the new BCCDC Daily Health Check. The new checklist clearly identifies the key symptoms that have be found to be related to COVID-19. It also outlines a clear process to follow if/when your child displays one or more of the symptoms. Staying home when sick is critical to ensuring we all remain safe and healthy.


1. Key Symptoms of IllnessDo you have any of the following symptoms?YesNo
Cough or worsening chronic cough
Shortness of breath
Loss of sense of smell or taste
Nausea and vomiting
2. International TravelHave you returned from travel outside Canada in the last 14 days?
2. Confirmed ContactAre you a confirmed contact of a person confirmed to have COVID-19?

If you answered “YES” to any of the above symptoms, and they are not related to a pre-existing condition (e.g. allergies), YOUR CHILD SHOULD NOT ATTEND SCHOOL.

If only one symptom (excluding fever) is present: your child should stay home and can self-monitor/be monitored for 24 hours from when the symptom started. If the symptom continues past that window or worsens, seek a health assessment. If the symptom improves, your child may return to school when they feel well enough.

If your child has a fever, or if two or more key symptoms are present: seek a health assessment. A health assessment can include calling 811 or a
primary care provider like a physician or nurse practitioner – the assessment will determine whether a COVID-19 test is recommended.

If you answered “YES” to questions 2 or 3, use the COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool or call 811 to determine if you should seek testing for COVID19.


After a period of illness, when is it safe to return to school?
If a COVID-19 test has been recommended as part of a health assessment, follow the guidance provided by the health professional you’re working with.

If a COVID-19 test is not recommended by the health assessment, your child can return to school when symptoms improve and they feel well enough to do so.

For more information, please go to https://sd83.bc.ca/2020/10/09/school-district-no-83-adopts-the-new-daily-health-check-list/.

Below is a printer friendly version of the Heath Check Form.

Kindy registration opens on Tuesday

 SD83 Kindergarten Registration 2021-22 

To Parents/Caregivers, 

We are looking forward to welcoming you and your child to North Okanagan School District No. 83! Due to COVID-19, there are some changes to the Kindergarten registration process this year: 

1. Kindergarten registration will open at 9am on Tuesday, October 13th and remain open for the rest of the school year. 

2. You may choose to register in-person at the school or online. 

3. Registering in-person: Please phone the school and make an appointment to come in and complete the paperwork, as only one family at a time can be in the school office area. 

4. Registering online: Please email the school to request the online registration link. 

5. You will need to register at your child’s catchment school (based on your physical address) or specialty school (Bastion – Early French Immersion or South Canoe – Outdoor Learning). To access our catchment school locator tool or find out more information about our specialty schools, Click Here

6. Any parents/caregivers requesting a cross-boundary consideration will need to follow these steps:

a. Register at their catchment school (in-person or online) 

b. Complete a cross boundary request form 

c. Have the form signed by the catchment school’s principal 

d. Take the form to the principal of the requested school (for cross-boundary consideration in the spring) 

7. All Kindergarten registrations completed on Tuesday, October 13th are treated as “equal”, so there is no need for line-ups on that day. Registrations received after October 13th, will be date/time stamped and treated on a first come, first served basis. This information will be used to determine placement IF catchment area schools or programs are full. Students with siblings already registered in a Program of Choice (French Immersion or Outdoor Learning) will be given priority if there is limited space.

If you have any questions about the Kindergarten registration process, please contact: Jennifer Findlay, District Principal, at jfindlay@sd83.bc.ca